Upcoming events for St John the Baptist, St Lawrence and St Dunstan’s Churches


Coffee Break Group at Wateringbury Church

10.30am-12.30pm (But feel feel free to come and go during these times) 

We currently meet fortnightly. The next coffee break sessions are :   8th and 22nd May.



Walks take place on Tuesdays and alternate between mornings and afternoons. Everyone
is welcome, including dogs, so if you would like to come along then we will be
delighted to see you.

WALKING GROUP DATES 2024 (Further details of walks will be provided closer to
the dates)

(4th Tuesday of the month)


Tuesday 28th May 10am

Our May walk at 10am on Tuesday 28th May will be a local woodland walk in Mereworth. We shall meet at the triangle at the top of New Pound Lane where it joins Beech Road. If you are driving there is parking at the Moody Mare. From the road triangle we shall walk into the woods all the way to Mereworth Lawn, through the valley where the wild daffodils grow. Crossing Seven Mile Lane we shall take the new footpath that skirts Viking Oak and the Scout camp, and then join the original footpath that leads to Platt. There may still be bluebells in flower, and we may even see some orchids. Looping back towards Mereworth, we shall enter the military training ground and continue through Mereworth Woods to Seven Mile Lane. The last leg of the walk will be along the road verge of Seven Mile Lane back to Beech Road, or the Moody Mare for those with a thirst! The walk will take about 120 minutes depending on the state of the paths and is about 6km long. It will involve crossing Seven Mile Lane and there may be forestry work taking place. The walk is relatively flat and the paths may be uneven and muddy due to forestry activity. Good walking boots are advisable.

Tuesday 25th June 2pm

Tuesday 23rd July 10am

Tuesday 27th August 2pm

Tuesday 24th September 10am

Tuesday 22nd October 2pm

Tuesday 26th November 10am
followed by lunch



Sunday 22nd September 2.30pm

in the church of St John the Baptist Wateringbury

          We all experience the loss of beloved family and friends.  No matter how recent or long ago the event, anniversaries and special dates cause us to pause and reflect.  

          On 22nd September there will be an opportunity to come to church and light a candle and have time to reflect and celebrate the special times we shared with those we loved who have passed from this world.

We all grieve in our own way.   We all heal in our own time.

          For those who wish to stay, tea and home-made cake will be served after the service.