Upcoming events for St John the Baptist, St Lawrence and St Dunstan’s Churches

Movie Night Concert at St Lawrence, Mereworth. Join us for an evening of music performed by two local, accomplished young musicians. The evening includes drinks and nibbles during the intermission.

Coffee Break Group at Wateringbury Church

10.30am-12.30pm (But feel feel free to come and go during these times) 

We currently meet fortnightly. The next coffee break sessions is on 19th June.



Walks take place on Tuesdays and alternate between mornings and afternoons. Everyone
is welcome, including dogs, so if you would like to come along then we will be
delighted to see you.

WALKING GROUP DATES 2024 (Further details of walks will be provided closer to
the dates)

(4th Tuesday of the month)

Tuesday 27th August 2pm

We begin our August walk at 2pm on Tuesday 27th August at the Picnic Area car park on Common Road at the top of Bluebell Hill. The car park is about 25 minutes’ drive from Mereworth and has splendid views across a large part of Kent. We will walk along Common Road to the Robin Hood pub and take the footpath through the woods down to Nashenden.  We shall walk Nashenden Lane before beginning the climb back up the North Downs Way to our start point. The views across the Medway Valley are spectacular and we shall pass an ancient burial mound on our journey. The walk will take about two hours and is about 6km long. It will involve some road walking on single-track roads. The walk has some steady prolonged slopes, and some paths may be uneven. Good walking boots are advisable. There is no livestock on the walk but dogs will need a lead on the roads.  

Tuesday 24th September 10am

Tuesday 22nd October 2pm

Tuesday 26th November 10am followed by lunch


Sunday 22nd September 2.30pm

in the church of St John the Baptist Wateringbury

          We all experience the loss of beloved family and friends.  No matter how recent or long ago the event, anniversaries and special dates cause us to pause and reflect.  

          On 22nd September there will be an opportunity to come to church and light a candle and have time to reflect and celebrate the special times we shared with those we loved who have passed from this world.

We all grieve in our own way.   We all heal in our own time.

          For those who wish to stay, tea and home-made cake will be served after the service.