December 2024 Services at St John the Baptist, Wateringbury
CW = Common Worship BCP = Book of Common Prayer
Sunday 1st December
10am – Matins/Morning Prayer (BCP)
Saturday 7th December
Messy Church at 3pm – 5pm , All welcome. Ends with food for the children and hot drinks for the adults. Nativity Special. Booking essential. Email:
Sunday 8th December
10am – Holy Communion (CW)
Sunday 15th December
All Age Service (CW)
Sunday 22nd December
10am – Joint Benefice Holy Communion (CW)
Sunday 29th December
No service at Wateringbury
We hope you will be able to join us. Refreshments are served after our 10am services so do stay
for a chat if you can.
Lay Reader : Barry Fisher
Churchwardens: Both positions vacant
PCC Secretary: Liz Gummer
Treasurer: Jane Hambly
Pastoral assistant: Beckie Bowie
Organist: Hilary Fisher
Choir Leader: Barry Fisher
Choir practice most Thursdays 7.30-8.30pm. New members always welcome.
Sunday 22nd September 2.30pm
in the church of St John the Baptist Wateringbury
We all experience the loss of beloved family and friends. No matter how recent or long ago the event, anniversaries and special dates cause us to pause and reflect.
On 22nd September there will be an opportunity to come to church and light a candle and have time to reflect and celebrate the special times we shared with those we loved who have passed from this world.
We all grieve in our own way. We all heal in our own time.
For those who wish to stay, tea and home-made cake will be served after the service.